Impact of geometric mean imaging in the accurate determination of partial function in MAG3 renal scanning in a patient with retroperitoneal mass


  • Mustafa Takesh
  • Christian M Zechmann
  • Sabine Haufe
  • Frederik L Giesel
  • Clemens Kratochwil



MAG3, geometric mean, retroperitoneal liposarcoma, renal scan


Liposarcoma frequently occurs in the retroperitoneum and lower extremities, accounting for 20% of all mesenchymal malignancies. Liposarcomas vary by histology and can be classified into four types. Those four types are well differentiated, myxoid/round cell, pleomorphic and dedifferentiated. Due to retroperitoneal location of this tumor, it is expected to affect the kidney position. Renography has provided a unique tool for noninvasive evaluation of various functional parameters e.g. relative renal function. Most renography studies are carried out using the posterior view, under the assumption that the depths of both kidneys are similar so that the radiotracer counts in the region of interest will be attenuated to the same extent. Errors in estimation of the relative renal function may arise if the kidneys are at different depths e.g. secondary to a pushing tumor. Geometric mean imaging from combined anterior and posterior views helps to overcome this issue. This case shows the impact of geometric mean imaging in the truthful determination of partial function in patients with retroperitoneal liposarcoma.





Nuclear Medicine / Molecular Imaging